How We Work

  1. We Amplify Psychedelic-Climate Leaders & Solutions

  2. We Generate Outcomes for Select PSYCA Initiatives

  3. We Host Consciousness-Expanding Experiences, Legally

1. We Amplify Psychedelic-Climate Leaders & Solutions

We Raise Awareness & Build Community for:

Psychedelic-Climate Leaders
Our mycelial network includes founders, change makers, creatives, philanthropists, authors, scientists, investors, environmentalists, activists, and more with a common interest, passion, or work at this intersection.

Psychedelic-Climate Solutions
A psychedelic lens yields the most outside-the-box ideas. We amplify individuals and organizations acting as what Buckminster Fuller called the “trim tab,” taking small, high-leverage actions for massive change.

We Educate & Engage the Media & Our Members

We highlight these leaders and solutions to our 13,000-person community, and invite them to speak at in-person events, fostering dialog & discourse.

We engage the media to broaden awareness, often resulting in press coverage. Regardless, we always share takeaways and calls to climate action, encouraging our community to support these initiatives.

Learn more about our recent awareness events.

2. We Generate Outcomes for Select PSYCA Initiatives

As a psychedelic-climate platform and community, our mycelial network includes 13,000 subscribers, a growing directory, and aligned partners and friends.

Founder Marissa Feinberg brings 20 years of experience in conscious brand marketing and communications. She enjoys sharing PSYCA content and education, engaging the media, influential individuals, and partner organizations within her network.

PSYCA designs and implements educational and awareness initiatives and campaigns to meet the goals of its members. Read on for a case study.

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Case Study: Bennet Zelner, Ph.D.

Bennet Zelner, Ph.D. – a PSYCA Spotlight Member – is a business school professor working at the intersection of regenerative economics, leadership, and psychedelics.

He serves as Co-Principal Investigator of the Connected Leadership Study, a first-of-its-kind research project examining the effects of psychedelics on leadership, creativity, and decision-making.

PSYCA highlighted Bennet’s work (undertaken in collaboration with his co-PI Rachelle Sampson, Ph.D.) through a dedicated virtual webinar, an in-person event, and our communication channels, helping to fill the most recent cohort in a short period. We look forward to learning about the results soon!

3. We Host Consciousness-Expanding Experiences, Safely & Legally

With infinite climate solutions available, why are we in a climate crisis? We believe a consciousness shift is critical to catalyze collective climate action.

Psychedelics are one way to raise and expand consciousness, and so are meditation, yoga, and sound, among others.

At our launch, we partnered with Nocturnal Medicine, a nonprofit studio for climate consciousness and cultural transformation. A 150-person meditation was facilitated as an immersive, consciousness-raising experience for envisioning a new future.

Through these guided experiences, we reconnect with our sense of power and agency, inspiring us to persevere and push the bounds of our creativity despite our climate emergency.